Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hello from Myke

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. I will update this blog once a week. You are welcome to add your two cents.

As we make the transition from the old building to the new school a lot of things will change. We’ll have cutting edge technology, a full size gym and hopefully a sports program for the middle school, a complete media center and library, as well as a lot of new staff members to help with the incredible growth we will be experiencing in the coming years.

What will not change is our commitment to students and to the educational excellence that has been a long standing tradition and expectation of Red Rock Elementary. We believe all students are unique and capable of success. We believe students need to be treated with dignity and should feel welcome in a safe and orderly environment.


Caitlin21236 said...
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Caitlin21236 said...

Hey mr.hitchcock!how ya doing i love the color of your blog! caitlin

Mr. Ras said...

It's looking good Mr. Hitchcock.

Caitlin21236 said...

Mr hitchcock i agree with mr.rass your blog is wonderful with the blue but it totally rocks!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Hitchcock said...

Thanks, Caitlin and Mr. Ras...
See you on September 2nd.
The new school is amazing!

Caitlin21236 said...

how amazing is the new school is it really big. i havn't seen it but my sister sage said it rocks!

Courtneeey B [: said...

Mr. Hitchcock! I agree, your blog is looking great :D I absolutely love the new school, its amazing! All the teachers (you ect) have done greeeeat so far!
Oh and one more thing, I read your little "about me".. you were born in a log cabin made of "brick" you built "yourself" somehow that doesn't make sense :)

Gwen_M said...
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Gwen_M said...

I like the new school and I like this blog.

Elias aka "trytoguess" said...

Love the blog Mr.H. I'm made up a guessing game to see who guesses who I am and how many guesses it takes. As soon as they guess I'll change it to my real name. From TRYTOGUESS.